
A campaign for evaluation of translations

The campaign

Int kelliem bilingwi tal-Malti u l-Ingliż, jew l-Ispanjol u l-Bask? Jekk iva, għandna bżonn l-għajnuna tiegħek!

Aħna riċerkaturi mill-Università ta’ Malta (UM) u mill-Università tal-Pajjiż Bask (UPV/EHU), u qed nagħmlu dan l-istudju sabiex nevalwaw il-kwalità tat-traduzzjonijiet f’żewġ lingwi li ma tantx għandom riżorsi, il-Malti u l-Bask. It-traduzzjoni mhix biċċa xogħol faċli, għalhekk nixtiequ nisimgħu mingħandek: jekk tixtieq tipparteċipa, se nuruk xi sentenzi u nitolbuk tagħtijhom punteġġ, u dan jgħinna ħafna fir-riċerka tagħna biex intejbuhom fil-futur.

Jekk trid taqra aktar u tipprova, kompli u oħloq profil — mhux se nitolbuk l-ebda informazzjoni privata, sempliċement għidilna liema lingwi titkellem u inti tista’ tibda!

Are you a bilingual speaker of Maltese and English, or Spanish and Basque? If so, we need your help!

We are researchers from the University of Malta (UM) and from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and we are conducting this study in order to evaluate the quality of translations into two under-resourced languages, Maltese and Basque. Translation is not an easy task, so we would like to hear from you: if you wish to participate, we will show you some sentences and ask you to rate the translations, and that would help us a lot with our research to improve them in the future.

If you want to read more and try it out, go on and create a profile — we won’t ask you for any private information, just tell us what languages you speak and you’re good to go!